Go to settings, search "cursor smooth", enable the smooth settings:
Style <script setup lang="ts"> const color = ref("red) </script> <style scoped> .text { color: v-bind('color') } </style>
Pinia export const initData = function () { const instance = useCounterStore() // listen on change, then save to localStorage ...
Steps 1, Buy & install Dank Mono font (https://dank.sh) 2, In settings.json, add: "editor.fontFamily": "Dank Mono, Menlo, Monaco", ...
General components Meraki UI ( https://merakiui.com/ ) Tailwind Components ( https://tailwindcomponents.com/ ) Tailblocks ( https://tailblocks.cc/...
Steps: 1, Install stagehand: $ flutter pub global activate stagehand 2, Add installed pub bin to PATH: export...